Stand-Up in English: Jim Williams is (almost) Bi-Lingual

A special comedy event for the summer!

Jim Williams is an American mime, actor, clown, dancer, and stand-up comedian with a diploma and crushing student loans to prove it. For the last 11 years, Jim has lived in Poland. In that time he’s: learned to speak Polish (sort of), eaten traditional Polish blood soup, started smoking, won top awards at Poland's largest comedy festivals (both with his physical comedy show Liquidmime, as well as with his Polish-language stand-up “UWAGA! I’m Gonna’ MÓWIC Popolsku!”), quit smoking, almost died in the Polish mountains, started smoking again, toured the country, quit smoking, made 3 people with his Polish wife, visited the emergency room four times, started smoking again, entered and advanced to the semi-finals of Poland’s Got Talent, quit smoking, founded the English stand-up community in Wroclaw, started smoking again, quit again, and is still alive to tell the tale.

For one night in Krakow, Jim will perform two separate shows: One in Polish and one in English. Some jokes will be the same, some will be different. One show will be filled with grammatical mistakes, the other one: less. Both shows will be hilarious.

Both shows will be hosted by Krakow’s own Damian Skora.

Tickets are available online in advance, and if you buy tickets to both shows, you’ll save some cash!

About Damian Skora:
Damian Skóra – musician by day, comedian by… day, he’s not freakin’ Batman. He always joked too much during his band’s concerts so he decided to start doing it separately and hasn’t stopped since. His shows are a mix of private matters, thoughts on modern society and accents picked by his musical ear. The Winner of the best comedian competition judged by his mom. In the contest for The best Damian Skóra he got the second place.
Host and an MC of several comedy scenes in Poland, as well as an active musician. Definitely against toilets with shelves. Knows words such as “hence”, “thus”, “velociraptor” and “sorry” because he is a polite young gentleman.


Stand-Up in English: Jim Williams is (almost) Bi-Lingual

21:00 21 czerwca 2018
Dobry Kumpel Pub, Floriańska 47, 31-019 Kraków

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